An Easy Introduntion to EnJoeToh


EnJoeToh bases on physics and introduces the knowledge of modern science, complex systems science, computer science, theory of computation and theory of information, to literature. Especially, EnJoeToh tries to search the system which is treated as physical and/or mathematical for all of representations which the system allows. Specifically, EnJoeToh often creates stories through presenting the propositions and system at the head of novel, listing up the all possible things in such system, and arguing the limit of it.

This attitude assumes the mathematical and logical fact, Gödel first incompleteness theorem, any consistent formal system within which a certain amount of elementary arithmetic can be carried out, there are statements which can neither be proved nor disproved in such system. EnJoeToh repeatedly asserts that there is the area which we can not decide in any system and we are always inside of some system *1. Then EnJoeToh introduces mathematical facts to stories without explanation and makes advanced arguments because it is natural for EnJoeToh that to interpret the things mathematically.

The method assuming Gödel first incompleteness theorem and working on the humanistic topics with mathematical terms and approachs is a charastristic of postmodernism. Both postmodernism and EnJoeToh accept the limit of human reason. However, EnJoeToh tries to argue what we can refer to, while postmodernism goes blank on the fake edge of human reason. And more, EnJoeToh is different from postmodernism that postmodernism often misunderstand mathetatical facts seriously, EnJoeToh understands them without when EnJoeToh lies as science fiction.

The attitude of EnJoeToh that reconfirming the scope of own work and searching for the all of the scope, is a reflection of the bases of EnJoeToh's thought, the result and perspective of modern mathematical science. The roots of popularity of EnJoeToh are reflection, curiosity, accurate knowledge of mathematical science, and comfortableness of words.

*1 The claim by EnJoeToh that there are limits to human reason is derived from "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" by Kant and modern sciences as his followers.

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